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Showing posts from July, 2014

Quiz 1 : Emerging Technologies

Download PDF Version From Here Some Useful Stuff - NLP 1.        List application of NLP. Ans.       Information retrieval                 Query answering                 Report generation                 Grammer checking                 Machine translation                 Sentence extraction                 Text proofing 2.        List different kind of ambiguities in speech and language processing. Ans.    ...

Let go of worrying what people will think.You know your own good intention.

#Let go of worrying what people will think. #You know your own good intention. #Let go of worrying what people will think. #You know your own good intention.

Common sense is like DEODORANT the people who need it most never use it.

Common sense is like #DEODORANT the people who need it most never use it. Common sense is like #DEODORANT the people who need it most never use it.

Quiz 1 : Mobile Application Development - Android

Download PDF Version From Here   MCQ 1. Select a component which is NOT part of Android architecture. a. Android framework   b. Libraries          c. Linux kernel   d. Android document 2. What is AAPT? a. Android Asset Processing Tool.             b. Android Asset Providing Tool.   c. Android Asset Packaging Tool.             d. Android Asset Packaging Technique 3. Required folder when Android project is created. a. build                 b. build/               c. bin     d. bin/ 4. Adb stands for   A. Android Drive Bridge.                  ...