----------------------------------------------------------------- VEER NARMAD SOUTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, SURAT RESULT NOTIFICATION NO. : 812 / 2014 B.C.A.( FIFTH SEMESTER )( OLD & NEW ) EXAMINATION, APRIL 2014 ----------------------------------------------------------------- The following candidates are hereby declared successful at the THIRD YEAR B. C. A.(FIFTH SEMESTER)(OLD) Examination held by this University in APRIL 2014 PASS : 20001 20002 20003 20004 20005 20006 20007 20012 20013 20015 20016 20022 20023 20024 20029 20033 20036 20039 20041 20043 20044 20045 20047 20048 20050 20055 20056 20057 20058 20059 20061 20063 20064 20065 20069 20070 20071 20072 20074 20076 20077 20079 20080 20081 20082 20084 20086 20088 20089 20090 20092 20099 20100 20102 20103 20104 20105 20107 20108 20109 20110 20111 20114 20115 20116 The result of the following candidates is held in RESERVE as their cases fall under unfairmeans : 20075 ...
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